
Here, you can find a list of talks I have given in the past. If the talk is directly related to a publication, it is linked.


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Holonomy: A Virtual Environment based on Hyperbolic Space

Talk at the Web3D 2024 conference.

25 September 2024, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal

Domain Coloring

CGV Visulunch Seminar

10 September 2024, TU Delft, the Netherlands

Heart of Domain Coloring

Talk at the Bridges 2024 conference.

2 August 2024, Richmond, VA, USA

APNet and Illustrating Mathematics

Pitch at the Early Career Researcher Day of the Delft Young Academy

1 Juli 2024, TU Delft, the Netherlands

Mathematical Art – A symmetry playground

Invited talk in the FMF Symposium

19 April 2024, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands

APNet – a new open network for assistant professors in the Netherlands

Topical Lunch lecture of the Delft Young Academy about the Assistant Professor Network of the Netherlands

17 April 2024, TU Delft, the Netherlands

Virtual Reality in Education - What is holding you back?

Meet and Eat lunch lecture of the TU Delft Teaching Academy

27 February 2024, TU Delft, the Netherlands

Virtual Reality (VR) in Education

CGV Visulunch Seminar

20 February 2024, TU Delft, the Netherlands


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Hyperbolic VR

Illustrating Mathematics Seminar Show & Ask

10 November 2023, online

Die Mathematik künstlicher Intelligenz illustrieren und mit künstlicher Intelligenz Kunst schaffen

Drittes Kolloquium mit kulturellem Austausch: Mathematik und Kunst

25 October 2023, Alanus Hochschule, Alfter, Germany

Mathematik für KI und KI für Mathematik

Festvortrag auf der Preisverleihung der Bundessieger der Deutschen Mathematikolympiade

10 October 2023, Deutsches Museum, Bonn, Germany

Weaving Patterns Inspired by the Pentagon Snub Subdivision Scheme

Invited talk at the Bridges 2023 conference.

23 July 2023, Halifax, Canada

The potential of Geometric Design for Mathematical Research

Invited talk at the GD’23 – SIAM Conference on Computational Geometric Design 2023, part of the International Geometry Summit.

6 July 2023, Genova, Italy

Mathematical Geometry – MathArt

Presentation invited by the Enova Fondation.

15 June 2023, Peru (online)

Universal Teaching Qualification (UTQ) Final Presentation

Gave my final presentation in the Universal Teaching Qualification (UTQ) at TU Delft for which I was awarded my UTQ diploma.

13 June 2023, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands

Interactions of Mathematics and Arts — An overview

Creativity + Technology: Art and AI Hackathon

11 May 2023, MindLabs, Tilburg, the Netherlands

Hyperbolic Space(s)

CGV Visulunch Seminar

11 April 2023, TU Delft, the Netherlands

Illustrating Mathematics — An abridged (personal) overview

TU Delft INSY/ST Faculty Lunch Meeting

2 March 2023, TU Delft, the Netherlands

#DeepWork – Focus sessions in a team will make you thrive

AlumnNode Digital Coffee Break

12 January 2023, online


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Mathematik und Kunst im Kontext des Lehrens und Lernens

Institut für Didaktik der Mathematik (IDM) Universität Bielefeld

13 December 2022, Bielefeld, Germany

Illustrations in Math Research – A case study on Turing patterns

Heidelberg Geometry Lab

17 October 2022, Heidelberg, Germany

Linked Knots from the Gyro Operation on the Dodecahedron

CGV Visulunch Seminar

11 October 2022, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands

3D printing the geometry of sound

Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC) 2022

24 August 2022, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Chip Firing Revisited: A peek into the third dimension

Bridges 2022 conference

2 August 2022, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Linked Knots from the Gyro Operation on the Dodecahedron

Bridges 2022 conference

1 August 2022, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

Das Zusammenspiel von Mathematik und Kunst – Ein Schematischer Überblick

Kolloquium Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

2 June 2022, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics / Alanus Hochschule, Bonn / Alfter, Germany


CGV Visulunch Seminar

22 May 2022, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands (online)

Der Blick in die n-te Dimension

22. JungforscherCongress

27 March 2022, onine


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Single-Sized Spheres on Surfaces

CGV Visulunch Seminar

11 November 2021, TU Delft, Delft, the Netherlands (online)

Single-Sized Spheres on Surfaces

Discrete Geometry Seminar

28 October 2021, FU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

The "I am AI" Curriculum

AI and ML in Formal Education

14 October 2021, Greece (online)

3D skin patterns of a 4D cat

CGV Visulunch Seminar

21 September 2021, Delft, the Netherlands (online)

Approximating Logarithmic Spirals by Quarter Circles

Bridges 2021 conference

3 August 2021, online  

Investigations of structures in the parameter space of three-dimensional Turing-like patterns

Automata 2021

13 July 2021, Marseilles, France (online)

Single-Sized Spheres on Surfaces

GMP Conference 2021

12 May 2021, Pilsen, Czech Republic (online)


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Flat and spherical surface approximations

iTHEMS Math Seminar

30 November 2020, Wako, Saitama, Japan

Velimir Khlebnikov und seine „Gesetze der Zeit“

CdE Seminar 2020

28 November 2020, Essen, Germany (online)

Piecewise Linear Simplifications of Geometries: Variational Shape Approximation of Point Set Surfaces

Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

10 November 2020, Onna-Son, Okinawa, Japan

Linear Approximation of Shapes: A discretization of the Gyroid and A Variational Approach

Mathematics for Advanced Materials Open Innovation Laboratory

29 October 2020, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan  

Combinatorial and Asymptotical Results on the Neighborhood Grid Data Structure

Annual Meeting of the German Mathematical Society 2020

14 September 2020, Chemnitz, Germany (online)

Seeing and Recognizing – Two Different Animals for Robots

Virtual GAIN20: Science Slam

28 August 2020, Online Event  

Velimir Khlebnikov's Laws of Time

Bridges 2020 conference

August 2020, Helsinki, Finland (online)  

Vector Fields and Paul Klee – A Summer School Course for Gifted High-School Students

Bridges 2020 conference

August 2020, Helsinki, Finland (online)  

Versklavt oder befreit uns künstliche Intelligenz? – Ein Ausblick

„Virtual Juniors Summer Camp 2020“ – ein Format von Mensa in Deutschland e.V.

29 July 2020, Germany (online)

Seeing and Recognizing – two very different animals for robots

Nerd Nite Tokyo (Science Slam)

17 July 2020, Tokyo, Japan (online)

Three-dimensional skin-coloring of a four-dimensional being

ALIFE 2020 conference

16 July 2020, Montreal, Canada (online)  

Versklavt oder befreit uns künstliche Intelligenz? – Ein Ausblick

„60 interessante Minuten“ – ein Format von Common Purpose Deutschland

9 July 2020, Germany (online)

Seeing and Recognizing – two very different animals for robots

iTHEMS Science Outreach Workshop 2020

3 July 2020, Wako, Saitama, Japan (online)

Combinatorial and Asymptotical Results on the Neighborhood Grid Data Structure

Discrete Mathematical Modeling Seminar, University of Tokyo

24 June 2020, Tokyo, Japan (online)

Turing Patterns in Biology and beyond

RIKEN iThems Biology Seminar

10 June 2020, Wako, Saitama, Japan (online)

Large-scale Evaluation of Neighborhood Weights and Sizes

Joint SPM and SMI 2020 conference

4 June 2020, Strasbourg, France (online)

How the Deprecation of Java Applets Affected Online Visualization Frameworks – A Case Study

VisGap 2020 Workshop as part of the EGEV20 conference

25 May 2020, Norköpping, Sweden (online)  

Neighborhood Data Structures, Manifold Properties, and Processing of Point Set Surfaces

Invited talk at the engineering department of Arithmer Inc.

20 February 2020, Tokyo, Japan

Solved and open problems regarding the neighborhood grid data structure

iTHEMS Math Seminar

7 February 2020, Wako, Saitama, Japan  

Introduction to Mathematical Geometry Processing

iTHEMS Coffee Meeting

24 January 2020, Wako, Saitama, Japan


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Denoising as Part of the Geometry Processing Pipeline

Postdoctoral and Graduate Student Seminar of Illustrating Mathematics Semester Program

8 November 2019, Providence, RI, USA

Artificial Intelligence and Arts – Some projects and thoughts

Special Interest Seminar of Illustrating Mathematics Semester Program

5 November 2019, Providence, RI, USA

Combinatorics on the numbers 1 to 16: The Neighborhood Grid

Special Interest Seminar of Illustrating Mathematics Semester Program

10 October 2019, Providence, RI, USA

Combinatorial Aspects of the Neighborhood Grid Data Structure

Combinatorics Seminar, Brown University

9 October 2019, Providence, RI, USA

Discrete Gyroid Surface

Bridges 2019

18 July 2019, Linz, Austria

An introduction to the central structures and algorithms of point-based graphics

PhD Defense – Disputation Talk

3 July 2019, Berlin, Germany

Neighborhood data structures, manifold properties, and processing of point set surfaces

PhD Defense – Defense Talk

3 July 2019, Berlin, Germany

Parallelized Neighbor Search with the Neighborhood Grid: A Computational Geometry Viewpoint

International Geometry Summit 2019

18 June 2019, Vancouver, Canada

Neighborhood data structures, manifold properties, and processing of point set surfaces

Eurographics 2019 Doctoral Consortium

7 May 2019, Genova, Italy

A recap on the history of point-based graphics

BMS Student Conference 2019

21 February 2019, Berlin, Germany


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Mondrian Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension

Bridges 2018

25 July 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

Mesh and Point Set Denoising using the Normal Voting Tensor and Binary Eigenvalues Optimization

SFB-Seminar Berlin

26 June 2018, Berlin, Germany

Denoising as Part of the Geometry Processing Pipeline

Keep it Simple Seminar

26 June 2018, Berlin, Germany

Atlas Construction for Point-Set-Sampled Manifolds

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

3 May 2018, Berlin, Germany

Directional Density Measure to Intrinsically Estimate and Counteract Non-Uniformity in Point Clouds

GMP Conference 2018

9 April 2018, Aachen, Germany

Combinatorial and Asymptotical Results on the Neighborhood Grid Data Structure

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

8 March 2018, Brixen im Thale, Austria

The Moving Least Squares Approach in Point Cloud Processing

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

8 March 2018, Brixen im Thale, Austria

The Moving Least Squares Approach in Point Cloud Processing

BMS Student Conference 2018

21 February 2018, Berlin, Germany

Combinatorial and Asymptotical Results on the Neighborhood Grid Data Structure

Reserach Seminar Discrete Geometry

1 February 2018, Berlin, Germany


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Combinatorial and Asymptotical Results on the Neighborhood Grid Data Structure

Research Seminar Combinatorics

14 December 2017, Berlin, Germany

Turing Patterns: A Peek Into The Third Dimension

CdE Doctoral Meeting

9 December 2017, Essen, Germany

The Geometry Processing Pipeline

Align Technologies

11 November 2017, Or Yehuda, Israel

The Geometry Processing Pipeline

Applied Mathematics Student Seminar, Tel Aviv University

7 November 2017, Tel Aviv, Israel

Chladni Towers

Asian Digital Modeling Challenge 2017

7 August 2017, Tokio, Japan

Turing Patterns: A Peek Into The Third Dimension

Bridges conference on mathematical connections in art, music, architecture, education, and culture

29 Juli 2017, Waterloo, Canada

Double Cover

Research to Market Challenge

18 Juli 2017, Berlin, Germany

Local Coordinate Charts via Moving Least Squares and Weights For The Point Cloud Laplacian

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

27 March 2017, Itter, Austria

Local Coordinate Charts and Weights For The Point Cloud Laplacian

BMS Student Conference 2017

23 February 2017, Berlin, Germany


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What is ... Formal Mathematics

BMS "What is ..." Seminar

16 December 2016, Berlin, Germany

Chladni Figures Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension

CdE Doctoral Meeting

4 December 2016, Essen, Germany

Nachbarschaften in der Geometriedatenverarbeitung

Doctoral Exchange of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation

14 November 2016, Düsseldorf, Germany

Einfach erstaunlich schwierig: Vom Staunen in der Mathematik

Doctoral Exchange of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation: "Once you loose that sense of wonder"

September 2016, Bozen, Italy

Chladni Figures Revisited: A Peek Into The Third Dimension

Bridges conference on mathematical connections in art, music, architecture, education, and culture

11 August 2016, Jyväskylä, Finland

Efficient Coordinates for Point Set Surfaces

Second Joint FU-TAU Workshop: Shape analysis, Reconstruction and Modeling

26 May 2016, Berlin, Germany

Efficient Coordinates for Point Set Surfaces

FU Berlin – Charité Berlin Research Exchange

19 May 2016, Berlin, Germany

Efficient Coordinates for Point Set Surfaces

Matheon Center Days 2016

12 April 2016, Berlin, Germany

Point Set Surfaces and Related Topics

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

6 March 2016, Fieberbrunn, Austria

Neighborhoods in Geometry Processing

BMS Student Conference

19 February 2016, Berlin, Germany


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The Beauty of Neighborhoods

CdE Doctoral Meeting

5 December 2015, Weimar, Germany

The Beauty of Neighborhoods

Talk during Research Stay at AICES

26 November 2015, Aachen, Germany

Smooth(ing) Neighbourhoods

Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2015

22 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany

Hierarchical Data Structures

Seminar "Introduction to Visualization" 2015

7 – 18 September 2015, Berlin, Germany

Smooth(ing) Neighbourhoods

Informal Student Meeting of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation

August 2015, Berlin, Germany

Classification of Network Traffic

Innsbruck Modelling Week 2015

11 July 2015, Innsbruck, Austria

An Introduction to Formal Mathematics

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

2 April 2015, Berlin, Germany

Neighborhoods from Point Clouds

Research Seminar of AG Geometry Processing

9 March 2015, St. Johann, Austria