2022 Minisymposium “Mathematics and Arts” at the annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society (hybrid: in-place and online)

The minisymposium “Mathematics and Arts” will be part of the annual meeting of the German Mathematical Society, 12. - 16. September 2022. It aims to bring together researchers interested in the connection and collaboration of mathematics and arts. This page includes the program and the call for papers. Several talks from the minisymposium are available in a YouTube playlist. Find the page of last years' minisymposia here (2021) and here (2020), which provide lists of talks and YouTube playlists of the talks.


Thursday, September 15th, 15:30 - 17:30 (GMT+2)
"Math and Music"

15:30 - 16:00
Benjamin Himpel (Hochschule Reutlingen)
"Differential Geometry of Music Perception"
16:00 - 16:30
Darío Alatorre (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Jaime Lobato
"An advance on a math sonification program"
16:30 - 17:00
Jürgen Richter-Gebert (TU München)
"The Challenge of real time Symmetry drawing"
17:00 - 17:30
17:30 onwards
Travel to Potsdam for an informal exchange with the participants of the Tangling conference, a mathematical fashion show, a reception and a mathematical music performance.

Friday, September 16th, 10:30 - 12:30 (GMT+2)
"Math and (digital) Forms"

10:30 - 11:00
Timea Tihanyi
"Making and Breaking Rules with Clay and Code: Iteration, Glitch, and Mathematical Thinking"
11:00 - 11:30
Renate Quehenberger
"The art of 3D digital animated geometry – a visual access to higher dimensions"
11:30 - 12:00
Graham Horton (Universität Magdeburg)
"Simulation of Paper Marbling"
12:00 - 12:30
Dominic Hopkinson
"The mathematics of form. Aperiodic systems from a sculptor’s perspective."

Friday, September 16th, 15:30 - 17:30 (GMT+2)
"Math and Fractals"

15:30 - 16:00
Henriette-Sophie Lipschütz (FU Berlin), Ulrich Reitebuch (FU Berlin)
"Visualisation of the Kolakoski sequence"
16:00 - 16:30
Helena Verrill (University of Warwick)
"The boundary of fractal dragon Truchet curves"
16:30 - 17:00
Joshua Holden (Rose-Hulman)
"From Sierpinski's Carpet to Fractal Tapestries: Weaving Fractals on a Computer-Controlled Loom"
17:00 - 17:30
Discussion and Show-and-Tell:
Presentation of further mathematical art projects

Call for papers

The minisymposium “Mathematics and Arts” will be part of the annual conference of the German Mathematical Society, planned to take place in Berlin, Germany, 12. - 16. September. While the conference is taking place in-person, online participation of solely the minisymposium is possible.

Our minisymposium aims to bring together researchers, artists, and educators interested in the connection and collaboration of mathematics and arts. We are looking for presentations of artistic objects that include mathematical components and put a focus on the imparting of this underlying mathematics. Furthermore, the talks can explore mathematical themes that invite discussions of their illustrations and the embodied artistic value.

As the mathematics component cannot be self-explanatory to the lay-person, the minisymposium aims to present works that make it explicit. For instance, geometric patterns and constructions can be an invitation to explore deeper mathematics, but the talk should clearly indicate how the recipient is brought into contact with mathematics via the artwork. Furthermore, we are looking for contributions that provide an educational opportunity for the observer. It should not only be learned that an artwork includes mathematics in general, but what specific mathematical elements it represents or captures. In this sense, an exemplary learning outcome would be not only that Escher’s works include mathematics, but that they include elements of the wallpaper group as well as an understanding of what this means. Finally, we are looking for illustrations of mathematical ideas, concepts, and objects that carry not only the underlying mathematics, but also an artistic value.

We aim to cover a variety of topics centered around the inclusion of mathematics in different art forms like painting, sculpture, architecture, textiles, or music. Moreover, we aim to address uses of these combinations for example in high school and university teaching or in outreach projects directed at the general public.

The official language of the minisymposium will be English. Each talk will be given 20 minutes plus an additional 5 minutes for questions. To propose a talk, please send an abstract of 1,000 to 1,500 characters (including spaces) and an illustrating picture, a link to a video, or some other supporting material to dmv.math.art@gmail.com by March 31st.

Selected authors will be invited to extend their abstracts to full articles that will be published as a collection in the peer-reviewed online journal “w/k”. Find here a compilation of articles originating from the 2020 rendition of the minisymposium.

If you have any questions, please send an email to dmv.math.art@gmail.com.

We are looking forward to your proposals,
Milena Damrau and Martin Skrodzki

Important Dates:

  • Deadline for Talk Proposals: March 31st
  • Conference: Berlin, Germany, 12. - 16. September (Minisymposium also accessible online)
  • Notification for articles selected for publication: October 2022
A crafting sheet for an Archimedean solid, produced by U. Reitebuch.
Image: Courtesy of U. Reitebuch.