About me

I'm an assistant professor (tenure track) at the Computer Graphics and Visualization group at TU Delft in the Netherlands.
I am an associate editor of the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts and an editor of the online journal w/k - Between Science & Art. Furthermore, I am a member of the Solid Modeling Association, and a member of the Delft Young Academy. Finally, I am a fellow of the fifth Leadership Academy of the German Scholars Organization.
My research interests are set between Computer Science and Mathematics. I am mainly concerned about all issues related to point and data sets. This includes the acquisition of point sets via 3D-scanning or higher-dimensional forms of data collection as well as their processing afterwards. Key terms for the latter are denoising, cluster algorithms, and visualization. In regard of efficiency, I am interested in nearest-neighbor algorithms and corresponding data structures. Finally, my research also revolves around various connections between mathematics and arts.
From March 2021 to February 2023, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Computer Graphics and Visualization group at TU Delft in the Netherlands. My research was funded by the Walter-Benjamin-Program of the German Research Foundation.
From January to December 2020, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Rikagaku Kenkyusho (RIKEN) (Wako Campus) in the iTHEMS program. My research at RIKEN was funded by the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.
From September to December 2019, I was a postdoctoral researcher at ICERM, Brown University working in the topical semester program Illustrating Mathematics. Find some results of the semester program here.
I obtained the title of Dr. rer. nat. in July 2019 at Freie Universität Berlin as a member of the Berlin Mathematical School and as a member of the Dahlem Research School working in the field of mathematical geometry processing in the mathematical geometry processing group headed by Prof. Dr. Konrad Polthier. The title of my thesis is Neighborhood Data Structures, Manifold Properties, and Processing of Point Set Surfaces. Throughout my PhD and Master's studies, I have been a member of the German Mathematical Society and the Berlin Mathematical Society for which websites I have written several book reviews.
From April 2018 to July 2019, I was COO of
Mathe im Leben gemeinnützige GmbH, mostly working in the project
Mathe im Advent.
From February 2015 to July 2019, I was associated to the
SFB 109 Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics
and was a member of the joint
C05: Computational and structural aspects of point set surfaces.
I received a M.Sc. in Mathematics in 2014 with focus on a Kd-Tree data
structure implementation within the setting of anisotropic point cloud smoothing.
My Master's thesis can be found here.
In 2011 I finished both my B.Sc. in Mathematics and my B.Sc. in Computer Science
with a thesis on Parikh's game logic.